JLT Insurance Program for Clubs

 Under their leases from NPWS Clubs must maintain certain insurances including in relation to premises, public liability and workers compensation (see Section II of the new lease).

For over a decade SLOPES has facilitated a co-ordinated group insurance program to provide cost effective cover to help Clubs comply with these obligations.

In 2013 SLOPES undertook a comprehensive and formal process to identify the broker with the best overall credentials to manage the program from 2014 and beyond.  Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd (JLT) was selected from a wider group based on relevant criteria such as their industry experience, familiarity with snowline insurance and keenness to handle the business.

Nearly 80% of our Clubs participate in the JLT program.  The overall result has been better cover at lower cost for participating Clubs.  All Clubs obtain the same base level of coverage. This is particularly beneficial to smaller Clubs that, as a result, often receive increased coverage without additional expense.

SLOPES thanks Clubs for their support in making this program an ongoing success.

We also encourage Clubs not on the program to consider joining.  This can be done at any time simply by contacting Danielle Snelling at JLT whose details are:

Tel: 1300 883 146 | DD: +61 (02) 8824 1511 | Mob: +61 0417 286 339 | Fax: +61 (02) 8824 1690

danielle.snelling@jlta.com.au | www.jlta.com.au

The more Clubs in the program, the stronger our clout as a group - and the greater the benefits for all Clubs are likely to be.

Any questions generally re the program are best referred directly to Danielle in the first instance.

For more background see SLOPES emails at the INFORMATION HUB under the topic “Insurance”.